Re: The real problem with hate crime legislation
At 11:00 AM 10/26/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Professor Goble, the only instance I know of where Trent Lott has made
>any kind of widely-heard statement about homosexuality is when he said
>he thinks homosexual behavior is sinful. Well, according to 2,000
>years of Christian tradition, it is. Is that the heated rhetoric
>you're talking about? (I can't address Pat Robertson's particular
>statements about homosexuality because I don't know what they are.)
If you believe in the biblical condemnation of the act, do you also believe
in the biblical punishment? According to my recollection, there are
biblical passages advocating death for acts of homosexuality. Is this part
of the tradition you are talking about? Is this the tradition Trent Lott
talks about? If so, then he certainly does foster the climate that results
in gay bashings & killings.
By the way, the Bible also condemns the eating of shrimp and pork. When
"Christians" cling as tightly to these biblical passages as they do to the
condemnation of homosexuality, I shall tip my hat to their equanimity.
Imagine the following newspaper article:
Trent Lott Condemns Pork-Eaters as Sinners
In an interview on a major TV news program, Trent Lott stated "I am not
saying we should hate pork-eaters, but I think the Bible is clear on this,
that eating pork is a sin, just as theft and murder are sins...
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