latah county commissioners
>Latah County Commissioner Harry DeWitt just doesn't get it.
>DeWitt doesn't seem to understand that the laws restricting the way
>public officials spend public money (that is taxpayer money, our money,
>and indeed in small part, my money) are in place to stop elected
>officials like him from making quiet deals with their "good old boy"
>friends. I am referring to the deal DeWitt made for the county's
>vehicle maintenence shop, ignoring the rules about open public
>decision-making and open public bidding for county contracts worth more
>than $5,000, which was detailed in articles printed on Thursday, June
>25, in both the Daily News and the Lewiston Tribune.
>Now, I don't get it. I thought conservative Republicans cared about
>system of checks and balances, upheld the law, and would be anxious to
>put every expense out to public bid, hoping to hold down the prices and
>save the taxpayers' money.
>I am just thankful that Loreca Stauber was there to blow the whistle on
>this petty corruption.
>Bill London
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