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Vision 2020

TO: Sandra Crooks, Latah County Board of Commissioners administrative
FROM: Bill London, steering committee, Moscow Vision 2020

	With the goal of making the agenda of the meetings of the Latah County
Board of Commissioners accessible to more county residents, I request that
the board post those agenda every week on the Moscow Vision 2020 email list.
	There are approximately 150 subscribers to the list.  Those subscribers
are interested in local government operations and plans--and would like to
be able to read about the topics their county government will be discussing
during the week ahead.
	The city of Moscow currently posts the agendas for its meetings on the
	To post the messages to the 2020 list, you will have to subscribe to the
list.  Subscribing is free, and there is no cost to post or receive
	To subscribe, go to the Internet site <> and click on
the underlined name, Moscow Vision 2020.  Then at the next screen, click on
the underlined phrase, "joining the vision2020 discussions."  A
subscription form will appear.  Fill out all the questions and click on the
"subscribe me" button.  That's all you have to do.  Just make sure you do
the subscribing from the computer you will use to send the agendas to the
	Then weekly when you send out the agendas, email also to the list at the
address  <> and it will be shared with all subscribers
to the list.
	By subscribing you will receive all the postings from all the other Vision
2020 members.
	Thank you.
	If you have any questions, you may contact me via email
(<>) or at 882-0127.

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