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Re: community retreat

>For those who missed the retreat on Saturday....
>	Too bad you missed it.  'Cause it really worked.  Good discussions.
>Tangible suggestions for Moscow's future.  Good feelings all around.
>	Rebecca Huntington did a fine job of summarizing the event in Sunday's
>Tribune (page 2C).
>	BL
>ps. We really never discussed what we do next.  Does anyone have a
>suggestion for how we can best implement the ideas that came from the
>retreat participants?  We will be producing a report ready to circulate to
>elected officials, etc.  How would we best present those reports?  Please
>post ideas on this list.
>Bill and V2020
>***Where do we go next? Keep watching for things to be run up the flagpole. 
I really appreciated Dan Kemmis' stories of the minor league team and his
vision for a municipal ballpark...and the subsequent bond failure. Then the
guy who wanted to build the carousel...and the mayors' appropriate lack of
ownership. This demonstrated to me the concept of championship... Those guys
in the 80's who wrote that book In Search of Excellence (Peters?) talked
about the role of a champion for a cause. Admittedly, they were discussing
this in the realm of business, but the same goes for community. If a person
has the vision, the desire and it strikes a chord in the community it can
happen. But leadership is usually demonstrated by effort.
         So, my challenge to us visionaries, keep vision in perspective.
Sure without vision we cannot concieve of being places other than where we
are at. But without work, effort and communication vision stays just that. 
        So, if some one was inspired to work for a vision they heard at this
retreat I applaud them and will be glad to listen to their concept. Who
knows, I might even add some effort.
        Two observations I made at the retreat: Most groups thought there
should be better communication of available activities and current kids recreation, arts,social services,etc. There was a litany
of recommendations along these lines... Is this news for the Daily news?Is
it the role of the local paper?    Numero dos...There were two very
different suggested mechanisms for dealing with the 1912 HS building...
Retained by the Moscow School Dist.(and then to be the site of a
vocation/intergenerational nontraditional...see, my vision is so foggy I
can't put a name on OR for the city to purchase the thing and
make a community center...It seems neither has struck a chord with this
community yet.     
        Thank you to the Organizers...Priscilla,Sue and Lori. It was kinda
like a party....Dan Schmidt

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