Re: community retreat
Dear Bill and Visionaries,
The retreat was a wow. Great people, great ideas, and a great amount of
work for a relatively small number of community members who deserve our
sincerest thanks.
Bill, as you and I discussed as we were winding up the day, I have a
suggestion about sharing the results. When the report is published, an
"original," a permanent copy, perhaps to be given to the Historical Society,
along with the many additional copies could be presented at a book signing
where the original, with pages in the back for this purpose could be signed
by all the 'authors' of the report, i.e., all the folks who participated in
the retreat. It's another opportunity to have a community party and it's a
great chance to have the decisionmakers of the many groups, governmental and
otherwise, exposed to the energy and vitality of what happened at the retreat.
The results of this retreat are truly something to celebrate!
The best evidence of the celebration would be the ultimate translation of
the best of these ideas into public and private policy in our community!
Thanks, Bill, Vision 2020, the Latah County Library District, Lori, Susan
and Priscilla, and everyone who gave their time and effort, including all
who attended.
All the best,
Linda Pall
City Council Member
At 10:03 AM 6/14/98 -0700, you wrote:
>For those who missed the retreat on Saturday....
> Too bad you missed it. 'Cause it really worked. Good discussions.
>Tangible suggestions for Moscow's future. Good feelings all around.
> Rebecca Huntington did a fine job of summarizing the event in Sunday's
>Tribune (page 2C).
> BL
>ps. We really never discussed what we do next. Does anyone have a
>suggestion for how we can best implement the ideas that came from the
>retreat participants? We will be producing a report ready to circulate to
>elected officials, etc. How would we best present those reports? Please
>post ideas on this list.
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