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1912 High School

Dan Schmidt said, "There were two very different suggested mechanisms for
dealing with the 1912 HS building...  Retained by the Moscow School
Dist.(and then to be the site of a
vocation/intergenerational nontraditional...see, my vision is so foggy I
can't put a name on OR for the city to purchase the thing and
make a community center...It seems neither has struck a chord with this
community yet."

I would say the community center struck so much of a chord that 150+ people
donated $160,000 of their own money to get it started, not to mention the
tremendous contributions of effort and expertise by local architects and
others who have been developing the proposal.

Things have been stalled since February by the question of whether the sale
would go through, but if we ever get back on track you will see an
impressive effort by a lot of dedicated folks.

Jack Porter

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