V2020> Re: Can reporters quote your 2020 posts?
Friday, 6-12-98 @08:54
Bill London ......
Regarding your plea for "Any thoughts on this???", the particular snipet, just
below, from Rebecca Huntington, appeals to me,. I think it is particularly
appropriate for this list, given its purpose.
E.G., We probably should think before we unleash our fingers on our keyboards.
And then we should be willing to be copied, and critiqued.
A negative effect might be that some list members would be intimidated and
remain as reading "lurkers" rather than writing participators.
Sam Scripter
REBECCA HUNTINGTON (?), as copied by Bill London:
(snip ....)
> Again, from my perspective, this use of posted words is appropriate. We
>should be willing to stand by our statements--and indeed, as John Teeter
>noted, this way at least we won't get misquoted....
> With 150 subscribers, including reporters from several local newspapers, I
>think we should look upon this method of communication as a community-wide
>soap box or bulletin board. We should expect that our words will receive
>wide dissemination.
> Any other thoughts on this???
> BL
(Bill .... did I snip the above, correctly? It is difficult in reading your
post to determine where you start and end, and which part is Rebecca's. Sam S.
Complete post copied, below ...)
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill London <>
To: Rebecca Huntington <>;
Date: Friday, June 12, 1998 7:41 AM
Subject: Can reporters quote your 2020 posts?
>An earlier posting about messages to the 2020 list being quoted in print by
>reporters who subscribe to this list prompted this clarification by Rebecca
>Huntington of the Tribune to me. I asked her if I could forward this to
>the list and she agreed.
> I don't recall any agreement by reporters not to use posted words from the
>2020 list without the specific permission of the author. If any one
>reporter made that agreement, we certainly can't expect all reporters to be
>bound by it. So we should expect that our words could be quoted.
> Again, from my perspective, this use of posted words is appropriate. We
>should be willing to stand by our statements--and indeed, as John Teeter
>noted, this way at least we won't get misquoted....
> With 150 subscribers, including reporters from several local newspapers, I
>think we should look upon this method of communication as a community-wide
>soap box or bulletin board. We should expect that our words will receive
>wide dissemination.
> Any other thoughts on this???
> BL
>>I guess the deal for media not to quote from the list without
>>permission was made before I began subscribing. I didn't know about
>>it. But I completely disagree. It's a public forum. Besides,
>>newspapers can bring the debate to a forum involving more people and
>>I thought public involvement was the goal of Vision 2020. That
>>doesn't mean I intend to begin quoting willy nilly from the list. I
>>understand the need for open, unconstrained debate. Besides, not
>>every comment is newsworthy. Mostly I just sit back and listen. But
>>once something gains a great deal of momentum it may become
>>newsworthy, i.e. the swimming pool debate. Then it's fair game.
>>Rebecca Huntington
>>Lewiston Morning Tribune
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