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Re: V2020- Re: Can reporters quote your 2020 posts?

Bill, Rebecca and 2020,

I agree that this is public forum and reporters
are within their rights to quote from it.  I also agree that
that accountability can serve the list well.  But I have one 
concern: people new to the list may not be aware of this.
Maybe this should be pointed out in the mail that goes to 
new subscribers?

Also, I do think that while a reporter has a right to quote 
from the list, it's still courteous of them to contact an 
individual before quoting them.

Dena Marchant

>From: "Sam M W Scripter" <>
>To: "Rebecca Huntington" <>, 
>        "Bill London" <>
>Subject: V2020> Re: Can reporters quote your 2020 posts?
>Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 09:02:25 -0700
>Friday, 6-12-98 @08:54
>Bill London ......
>Regarding your plea for "Any thoughts on this???", the particular 
snipet, just
>below, from Rebecca Huntington, appeals to me,.  I think it is 
>appropriate for this list, given its purpose.
>E.G., We probably should think before we unleash our fingers on our 
>And then we should be willing to be copied, and critiqued.
>A negative effect might be that some list members would be intimidated 
>remain as reading "lurkers" rather than writing participators.
>Sam Scripter
>REBECCA HUNTINGTON (?),  as copied by Bill London:
>(snip ....)
>> Again, from my perspective, this use of posted words is appropriate.  
>>should be willing to stand by our statements--and indeed, as John 
>>noted, this way at least we won't get misquoted....
>> With 150 subscribers, including reporters from several local 
newspapers, I
>>think we should look upon this method of communication as a 
>>soap box or bulletin board.  We should expect that our words will 
>>wide dissemination.
>> Any other thoughts on this???
>> BL
>(Bill .... did I snip the above, correctly?  It is difficult in reading 
>post to determine where you start and end, and which part is Rebecca's.  
Sam S.
>Complete post copied, below ...)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bill London <>
>To: Rebecca Huntington <>;
>Date: Friday, June 12, 1998 7:41 AM
>Subject: Can reporters quote your 2020 posts?
>>An earlier posting about messages to the 2020 list being quoted in 
print by
>>reporters who subscribe to this list prompted this clarification by 
>>Huntington of the Tribune to me.  I asked her if I could forward this 
>>the list and she agreed.
>> I don't recall any agreement by reporters not to use posted words 
from the
>>2020 list without the specific permission of the author.  If any one
>>reporter made that agreement, we certainly can't expect all reporters 
to be
>>bound by it.  So we should expect that our words could be quoted.
>> Again, from my perspective, this use of posted words is appropriate.  
>>should be willing to stand by our statements--and indeed, as John 
>>noted, this way at least we won't get misquoted....
>> With 150 subscribers, including reporters from several local 
newspapers, I
>>think we should look upon this method of communication as a 
>>soap box or bulletin board.  We should expect that our words will 
>>wide dissemination.
>> Any other thoughts on this???
>> BL
>>>I guess the deal for media not to quote from the list without
>>>permission was made before I began subscribing. I didn't know about
>>>it. But I completely disagree. It's a public forum. Besides,
>>>newspapers can bring the debate to a forum involving more people and
>>>I thought public involvement was the goal of Vision 2020. That
>>>doesn't mean I intend to begin quoting willy nilly from the list. I
>>>understand the need for open, unconstrained debate. Besides, not
>>>every comment is newsworthy. Mostly I just sit back and listen. But
>>>once something gains a great deal of momentum it may become
>>>newsworthy, i.e. the swimming pool debate. Then it's fair game.
>>>Rebecca Huntington
>>>Lewiston Morning Tribune

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