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changes to 2020 list

Recently I posted two proposed changes (proposed by the 2020 steering
committee) to the 2020 list:
	1. We "close" the list, meaning that messages would be posted to list only
if author of message was a
subscriber.  We want to continue to offer subscriptions for free through
the WWW site as presently offered.
	2. add name requirement to WWW subscription form-- We want all new
subscribers to be required to add both first and last name on subscription
form at WWW site in order for the form to be processed.  Without name, no
subscription.  Also, we want all present subscribers to have to send in
their first/last names, too.

	The response from the membership was so positive, that the steering
committee decided to go ahead with those 2 changes.  FSR (which kindly
donates the list and website, as well as continues to handle all our
problems and tinkerings for free) has established the mechanisms for these
to occur.
	So, the list has been closed.  Anyone posting to the list must be a member.
	Secondly, all subscribers in the future will have to offer their first and
last names when subscribing.  If anyone wishes to subscribe, they need only
go to the Vision 2020 website (the address is
<>) and follow the
directions for joining the list.
	All present subscribers will have to send an email to Bill Moore at
FSR(<>) with subject line reading "Vision 2020 Name" (that is
the exact wording you must use).  The body of the message should be the
last name, a comma and space, and then the first name. Only. That message
should be sent from the subscriber's computer that is now receiving the list.
	Subscribers who do not complete the name posting by July 15, will be
deleted from the list.
  	The subscriber's first and last names will then appear beside their
email address on the WWW site list of Vision2020 subscribers.
 	IF there is more than 1 subscriber at an address, each can join.
	Thanks again to Bill Moore and FSR for staying with us as we wander
through this new world of electronic communication....

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