RE: Archives
I am glad that John Teeter's posting about the feasibility of the library
storage of the archives.
However, (realizing that the library would accept responsibility for
potential liability) I would like the library to store the unedited,
unabridged archives. Anything less is an incorrect historical record. I
have no idea what the library thinks of that.....
At 01:34 PM 6/5/98 -0700, John Teeter wrote:
>this is a good idea, and can be done so that it is URL accessible (i.e. in
html format),
>but you have the SAME issue about publisher liability. We can cut a CD of
>archives at any time straight from the web site if you want to, but I'd
suggest that
>two things be done to it first:
>1 - editorial clean up to remove the noise
>2 - full text search index + search engine to make it more accessible.
>(p.s. a search index for the on-line archives would also be nice and could
be easily done).
>On Friday, June 05, 1998 12:50 PM, Bill London [] wrote:
>> Regarding Ron Forces's suggestion to preserve the 2020 archives on CDROM,
>> was that an offer?
>> Would the UI library/special collections agree to do that on a regular
>> (monthly, biannual?) basis?
>> BL
>> At 08:10 AM 6/5/98 -0700, Ron Force wrote:
>> >Librarians like archives. Just as we preserve newspapers and business
>> >records as reflective of the life of the community, we'd like to
>> >capture this history as well. Rather than lose this snapshot of
>> >community life and thought, we could make a copy on CDROM and save it in
>> >Special Collections. While CDROMs are not truely archival, they have
>> >the potential to preserve digital information by periodic copying to
>> >whatever medium may be the current technology.
>> >--
>> >***********************************************************************
>> >Ron Force
>> >Dean of Library Services (208) 885-6534
>> >University of Idaho Moscow 83844
>> >************************************************************************
>> >
>> >
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