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Jim Fischer's column

Free speech is, of course, the sort of thing editors like to get all
sentimental about.  And they accuse conservatives of wrapping
ourselves in the flag!  Anyway, here's part of what Jim Fischer said:

The way Vision 2020 functions, postings are self-published. No editor 
decides which assertions are either worthy enough or legal enough to 
circulate. And at least one coward has taken advantage of that to 
circulate libel anonymously. Vision 2020's creators and First Step 
Research, which archives the postings, are looking for ways to
greater responsibility and to protect First Step from liability for 
things posted on the listserve. 

That's fine, especially as it relates to a body of libel law still in 
its infancy. But just as this newspaper occasionally finds itself used 
by devious letter writers using false names, Vision 2020 will again
itself serving as the involuntary conduit for irresponsible commentary. 

That's the weakness of free speech: Not everything spoken will be 
helpful, and some of it will be hurtful. But as this instance has 
demonstrated, that weakness is outweighed by the freedom of others to 
refute and denounce those who serve causes contrary to truth. 

This is Briana speaking again.  I'd like to call attention to his last
paragraph especially, and point out that this list's "weakness" has
hurt several people, children and adults, quite badly.

Once again, I would rather see a moderated list in order to try to
prevent that sort of thing.


Briana LeClaire

Scott Dredge  wrote:
> Lewiston Morning Tribune Thursday June 4, 1998
> Gossip threatens Moscow's virtual village; Bulletin board for
> community dialogue runs into potential legal tangle because of
> allegations posted by e-mail
> -Rebecca Huntington
> Lewiston Morning Tribune Friday June 5, 1998
> E-mail libel collapses out of the chute in Moscow
> - Jim Fischer
> At 01:07 PM 6/5/98 -0700, Bill London wrote:
> >I recommend reading Jim Fisher's editorial on Vision 2020 in today's
> >(Friday, June 5) Lewiston Tribune.  I think he got, and
communicated well,
> >the self-policing aspect of this list's response to the potentially
> >libelous postings contraversy.
> >	BL 
> >
> >

:-) Briana

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