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re: Two Concnerns

	I'm glad that the 2020 list is enlivened by input from people who now live
outside Moscow, but who have such strong ties to this area.
	Thanks for joining in, Lou.....

At 09:46 PM 5/30/98 -0600, Lou Sternberg wrote:
>5/28/98 Tom Lamar wrote (in part):
>>I like knowing if people are writing from the perspective of
>>living in Moscow, Missoula, Fort Collins or Boise.  I like it when we are
>>honest about who we are, and what we care about.  Anything short of that
>>seems fake and careless.
>Yes, I am writing from Boise.  But I am also writing from the perspective
>from one who has lived in rurul Latah County, and who hopes to return to
>Latah County or to one of the many/few(?) Latah's that, by happenstance or
>by planning and foresight, still exist in the Western half of the US.  
>I believe in the planning and foresight.
>Lou S.
>Lou Sternberg, Ph.D.             (208)343-0555
>5017 Bel Air           
>Boise ID 83705-2777

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