I talked with Sen. Jack Riggs about his legislative bill for improving Highway
95. The series of public hearings demonstrated strong support for improving
95 (although it is evident that no public hearing were held in the eastern
side of the state). The Riggs Plan outlined in earlier communications would
widen 95 to three lanes every 4 miles with a passing bay, improve bridges,
consider construction of the Indian Valley route to Emmett, and make other
major improvements including 4 lane between key traffic routes.
His 8 year plan would be funded thorugh increasing car registration fees by
by $36 and one additional penny on the gas tax. Both increases would raise
over an estimated $500,000,000 over 8 years A key is including in some
assistance for highways in other parts of the state to make it a fully state
wide bill. Governor Batt is reluctant to support a gas tax increase or
registration increases since this was done to help pay for the state match
on flood damage in 96 and 97. An interesting note is that the Feds payed
in over $100,000,000 to Idaho for flood damage and the state about $10,000,000.
Rep. Tom Trail
Dr. Tom Trail
International Trails
2039 Mt. View Rd.
Moscow, Id. 83843
Tel: (208) 882-6077
Fax: (208) 882-0896
e mail ttrail@moscow.com