Re: police response to assault

Re: police response to assault

Don Coombs (
Sat, 17 May 1997 10:48:54 -0700 (PDT)

I think Moscow has a good police department, but it's harder to judge now
that the local newspaper has quit reporting most of the department's

If you think it is good for citizens to know what is going on (and the
records of arrests etc. are definitely public) you might want to let the
publisher know how you feel. Every other small and medium-sized newspaper
I know of regards "news of record" as a valuable service it offers its

In regard to the Moscow Police Department's handling of the recent case,
all the Vision 2020 e-mail messages simply assume the police performed in
an unacceptable manner. Isn't that yet to be determined? Don't we want to
support that kind of calm determination?

Don H. Coombs
861 Harold St.
Moscow ID 83843
(208) 882-8720

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