Press release/P. Limerick visit

Press release/P. Limerick visit

Kenton Bird (90142419@WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU)
Sat, 06 Apr 96 19:17:49 PST

Historian, lawyer to depict quarreling couple in mock hearing April 12

For Immediate release
Contact: Dale Goble, 885-7976, or Paul Hirt, 335-4883

Conflict between the urban and rural West will be dramatized in a mock
divorce hearing to be presented at 7 p.m. Friday, April 12, in the
courtroom of the University of Idaho College of Law.
The program, featuring University of Colorado Historian Patricia Nelson
Limerick and Boulder, Colo., lawyer and historian James Sudler III, is
free and open to the public.
Limerick and Sudler developed the court proceeding as a way of personifying
the contest between urban and rural interests in disputes over natural resource
es management, environmental pollution and population growth.
In the trial, Sandy Greenhills West (Sudler) is suing Urbana Asphalt West
(Limerick) for a divorce, claiming irreconcilable differences. DennisColson,
a UI law professor, will be the hearing officer and judge. Faculty members
and graduate students from the UI and Washington State University will be
witnesses for the two sides.
Limerick is the author of "Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken past of the
American West," published in 1987, and numerous essays and journal articles.
Last year, she received a $275,000 fellowship from the Mac Arthur Foundation.
Friday's presentation is sponsored by the UI College of Law, the WSU
Department of History and the Center of the American West at the University
of Colorado.

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