Business Park/incubator tenants

Business Park/incubator tenants

Kenton Bird (
Tue, 14 Nov 95 17:34:02 PST

The back page of today's Daily News has a story by Greg Burton addressing
the question raised on this list-server about whether current tenants
of Moscow's Business Technology Incubator are interested in moving to
the proposed business park (or whether they can afford to).

Those quoted are: John Teeter, First Step Research; Verne Geidl, Arago
Robotics; Cynthia Kinnger, CJ Design, Inc, and Don Crawford, Innovatigve
Biosystems. Carole Helm, executive director of the EDC, is also quoted.

At Monday's Vision 2020 meeting, there was discussion about how to continue
the dialogue raised at the Nov. 5 public meeting and on this list. A
subcommittee includingBill London, Steve Cooke and several others was
going to look at organizing a series of public presentations/discussions
in January. If you have unanswered questions about the business park,
its rationale and financing or suggestions on prospective panelists,
contact Bill or Steve.


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