Dan Kemmis/reaction and follow-up

Dan Kemmis/reaction and follow-up

Kenton (
Fri, 29 Sep 95 16:11:44 PDT

Thanks to everyone for the quick responses to my query this morning. It's
fascinating to get this immediate feedback. Dan is curious about what you
thought were the highlights of his talk, so if you don't mind, we'll
print the comments before he leaves Saturday.

A few things that stick in my mind:
* How small steps can begin the process of healing a city. I appreciated
Stephen Lyons' comment that we can't overlook the scars. I wonder about
ways we could begin to heal the "strip" along the Pullman-Moscow Highway.
Could we begin with a few trees in the Tri-State parking lot and move
gradually from there?
* How children and youth issues can bring people together. Could we recast
questions of annexations and subdivisions by asking how they will affect the
lives of the children who will live there? Shouldn't we be creating cohesive
neighborhoods and requiring sidewalks on both sides of the street for the
sake of kids (and others who walk)?
* The importance of teaching newcomers to our community what our customs are...
The University of Idaho has a "Vandal Traditions night" for new students...
could Moscow and Pullman do something similar to tell not only students, but
all new residents what our values are? Could this be part of one of our
community celebrations, like the Renaissance Fair.

Thanks again for attending and commenting. Dan will be at the Farmers' Market
on Saturday morning if you'd like to talk to him before he leaves for Missoula.


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