Re: Newspapers and the Community

Re: Newspapers and the Community

Joel Hamilton (
Wed, 27 Sep 1995 09:02:22 -0700


A Moscow-Pullman Coalition for a Better Newspaper sounds like a
worthwhile organization. I share your disgruntlement at the local rag an
scandal sheet trying to pass itself off as a community newspaper. Are you

What names have you heard the paper called since it decided to
change its name from the Idahonian that we all knew and loved? The two I
hear most frequently are Daily Snooze and Daily Disappointment. Should I
take these as just evidence of a peculiar local humor -- or genuine

For those of you who missed it, this morning's Lewiston Tribune had
an article saying that the LMT is now on the Web. Check it out at It has a way to go, but it shows potential.
While I still subscribe to both the DN and LMT, I get a growing portion of
my news from the Web.

Joel Hamilton

At 08:20 AM 9/27/95, Cross Bert wrote:
>The point that can be inferred from my piece on newspapers (and one which
>I do) is that the people of Moscow and Pullman deserve a better newspaper
>than they are getting. Most of us would drop our subscriptions in a
>minute if there were any alternative. It is still about the only place
>where you can learn what is going on in the community. It would be great
>if we could dial in on our computer and pick up the local news. But that
>is some time away. Or is it? The Lewiston Morning Tribune used to
>actually compete with the Idahonian for Moscow and Pullman news. Now
>they are both owned by the same chain and real competition is gone.
>Anyway, it might be fun to explore possible alternatives and
>collectively we might be able at least to do something about improving the
>quality of what we have. Maybe we need a Moscow-Pullman Coalition for a
>Better Newspaper. It might get someone's attention.

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