On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Lois Melina wrote:
> Tom Lamar makes some good points about there being neighborhood nuisances
> everywhere, which is why I think the solution lies more in affected people
> getting together and working out a solution rather than trying to legislate
> behavior. (By the way, I think there have been discussions of moving the
> Latah County Fair for just those reasons.)
> think Kenton had some excellent suggestions for accomplishing this. Who
> will take the lead in following through?
> However, I differ with Tom that transportation is a good reason to leave the
> R fairs at East City Park. First, as anyone can observe, there are plenty
> of people who drive to those fairs. Secondly, proposed sites at
> Mountainview Park, Robinson Park, and UI are still easily accessible by
> bicycle. Might be enough distance, however, to employ buses.
> Mountainview Park might pose some conflicts with schedule soccer and
> baseball games during spring and summer. But there is also Wicks Field at
> UI which hosts a pretty good Fourth of July party, complete with stage.
> Unfortunately, not much of a view.
> Lois