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Moscow Civic Association

The Moscow Civic Association, a new citizens’ advocacy group organized
to advance progressive ideas and support local progressive candidates,
will host its first public meeting on Tuesday, December 3, at 7pm at
Moscow’s 1912 Center.

According to board member Lois Blackburn, the group held two
organizational meetings (each attended by about 40 people), selected a
15-person board of directors, and now encourages the public to join as

The agenda of the December public meeting will include a short
presentation by Moscow Public Works Director Mark Cook about local
transportation and water issues, and a report on the group’s mission
statement and incorporation as a political organization.  Throughout the
meeting, board members will be available to answer questions and accept
membership applications.  A door prize drawing will also be held.

In addition, at the meeting, the audience will be able to meet and join
one of the group’s four action committees: Urgent community issues;
Communication and outreach; Good governance watchdog committee; and
Political action committee: elections, campaigns, debates, etc.

The board finalized the following mission statement:
The mission of the Moscow Civic Association is to protect and enhance
inclusive and cooperative community values by broadening public
discourse, organizing and inspiring civic participation, and striving
toward progressive and sustainable community development. Our vision is
of a just and equitable society, a community in which information on
important issues is readily available to the citizenry, a place of
strong, non-partisan grassroots democracy.
Specifically, we strive to support and/or promote a thriving community
space with:
*An open, responsive, and accountable local government;
*A vigorous public education system;
*Local, community-based businesses;
*Artistic and cultural events;
*Ethnic, racial, gender, lifestyle, and religious diversity;
*Civil rights;
*An integrated community for people of all ages;
*Close relations and coordination with neighboring communities and
*Thoughtful and sustainable development in such areas as environment,
transportation, housing, and agriculture.

 The Board of Directors includes: Lois Blackburn, Jeanne Amie Clothiaux,
Crysta Falcon, Mike Forbes, Ashley Grosse, Ron Hatley, Tim Kinkeade, Amy
Mazur, Eileen McGovern, Kelly Moore, Joan Opyr, Julia Parker, Deborah
Reynolds, Steve Streets, and Jennifer Swanberg.

For more information, the public is invited to contact any board member
or send messages to the MCA at PO Box 8788 in Moscow, at or to visit the website,

A second public meeting has been scheduled for Monday, January 13, 2003,
in the 1912 Building.

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