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Agendas for City Meetings Dec 2nd




Monday, December 2, 2002                                                                                                                                      4:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.       Approval of  Minutes of November 18, 2002,  2002 -  Chris Bainbridge


2.  Approval of Renewal of Alcohol and Restaurant Licenses for Year 2003 - Chris Bainbridge

The liquor license renewal process for calendar year 2003 is nearly complete, although some applicants are still working toward full compliance with all City Requirements.  Approval of all renewals is required before licenses can be issued.

                                                            Council Consent Agenda Item #1B

ACTION:  Recommend approval of the attached list of Alcohol and Restaurant License Applications for year 2003, pending full compliance with all City requirements for such license renewal.


3.         Approval of Renewal of Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbroker Licenses for Year 2003 - Chris             Bainbridge

"Moscow Pawn, Inc.," 527 S Main Suite #2; "Now and Then," 321 E. Palouse River Drive; and "2nd Hand/First Hand," 107 S. Main, have submitted an application and fee for renewal of its  Second- hand dealer/pawnbroker license for the year 2003.  The license renewals are also awaiting final license recommendation from the Moscow Police Department. 

                                                            Council Consent Agenda Item #1C

            ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Secondhand Dealer and Pawnbroker License application for       the above-listed secondhand stores pending successful completion of all license requirements.


4.         Proposed Resolution to Destroy Records - Chris Bainbridge

            Per Idaho State Code 50-907, records may only be destroyed by resolution of the City Council after             regular audit, and that such resolution must list in detail records to be destroyed.                                                  Council Consent Agenda Item #1D

            ACTION:  Recommend approval of accompanying resolution and authorize the Mayor's signature             thereon; or take such other action deemed appropriate.




1.   Draft Proposal to Amend Moscow City Code to Allow Wet Floodproofing - Bill Belknap

2.   Consideration of Moscow Requesting Recognition as a Certified Local Government - Joel  Plaskon





Monday, December 2,  2002                                                                                                              5:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor


1.       Approval of Minutes of November 18, 2002 - Chris Bainbridge


2.     Agreement for Perpetual Pedestrian/Bicycle Path and Permanent Utility Agreement related to 8th Street right-of-way vacation - Randy Fife

By its Moscow City Ordinance 2001-22, Council required mitigation of impacts related to vacation of 8th Street right-of-way between Washington and Jackson Streets which would result from Gritman Hospital's expansion.  Agreement for Perpetual Pedestrian/Bicycle Path and the Permanent Utility Agreement fulfills Section 2, nos. 1 and 3 of Ordinance No. 2001-22.

                                                                        Council Consent Agenda Item #1E

        ACTION: Authorize the Mayor's signature on the attached agreements.




1.  Holiday Celebration/Parade - Roger Blanchard/Mark Cook


2.  Discussion of Main Floor Remodel - Roger Blanchard







Monday, December 2, 2002                                                                               7:30 p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers

 206 East Third Street, Second Floor



1.         Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.


A.         Approval of Minutes of November 18, 2002 - Chris Bainbridge


B.         Approval of Renewal of Alcohol and Restaurant Licenses for Year 2003 - Chris Bainbridge 

            The liquor license renewal process for calendar year 2003 is nearly complete, although some applicants are still working toward full compliance with all City Requirements.  Approval of all renewals is required before licenses can be issued. Reviewed by Administrative Committee December 2, 2002.


            ACTION:  Approve the attached list of Alcohol and Restaurant License Applications for year 2003, pending full compliance with all City requirements for such license renewal.


C.        Approval of Renewal of Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbroker Licenses for Year 2003 - Chris Bainbridge

            "Moscow Pawn, Inc.," 527 S Main Suite #2; "Now and Then," 321 E. Palouse River Drive; and "2nd Hand/First Hand," 107 S. Main, have submitted an application and fee for renewal of its  secondhand dealer/pawnbroker license for the year 2003.  The license renewals have also been given license recommendation from the Moscow Police Department.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee December 2, 2002.


            ACTION:  Approve the Secondhand Dealer and Pawnbroker License application for the above-listed secondhand stores.


D.        Proposed Resolution to Destroy Records - Chris Bainbridge

            Per Idaho State Code 50-907, records may only be destroyed by resolution of the City Council after regular audit, and that such resolution must list in detail records to be destroyed.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee December 2, 2002.


            ACTION:  Approve accompanying resolution and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.


E.         Agreement for Perpetual Pedestrian/Bicycle Path and Permanent Utility Agreement related to 8th Street right-of-way vacation - Randy Fife

            By its Moscow City Ordinance 2001-22, Council required mitigation of impacts related to vacation of 8th Street right-of-way between Washington and Jackson Streets which would result from Gritman Hospital's expansion.  Agreement for Perpetual Pedestrian/Bicycle Path and the Permanent Utility Agreement fulfills Section 2, nos. 1 and 3 of Ordinance No. 2001-22.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee December 2, 2002.


                        ACTION: Authorize the Mayor's signature on the attached agreements.


2.         Accreditation Presentation for Moscow Police Department - Dan Weaver

Chief Weaver will introduce members of the accreditation review team:  Edward Guthrie, Chief of Police from Pocatello and chair of the Idaho Chiefs' of Police Accreditation Committee, and Jack Baldwin, Chief of Police from Lewiston and accreditation review team leader. The award signifies that the Moscow Police Department has successfully met or exceeded all the criteria for professionalism through the Idaho Chiefs of Police accreditation program.


            ACTION:  Accept presentation and award.


3.         7:30 p.m. Public Hearing Intent to Create Local Improvement District #132 - Mark Cook

A resolution of intent to create L.I.D. #132 was approved by Council November 18, 2002 as Resolution 2002-16.  An ordinance to create L.I.D. #132 and a resolution to deal with protests, if any, regarding the L.I.D. are attached.


ACTION:  Hold public hearing; After public hearing:

1.       Pass resolution, if necessary, to deal with any protests. 

2.      Reject Ordinance creating L.I.D. #132; or consider approval of Ordinance on first reading; or  

approve Ordinance under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title only, and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


4.         7:30 p.m. Public Hearing - Proposed Moscow City Code Amendment, Title 4, Chapter 2 Code Amendment Proposal to Reduce Required Front and Street Side Yard Setbacks in the R-2, R-3, and R-4 Zoning Districts - Joel Plaskon

Staff proposed reductions in required front and street side yards setbacks for properties fronting 80' wide rights-of-way due to what can be viewed as an undue burden on such property owners.  Staff is now providing the Historic Preservation Commission's recommendation to reject the proposed ordinance as well as the list of street names associated with the 80' wide rights-of-way.


            ACTION:  Approve proposed ordinance; reject proposed ordinance; or propose substantial modification to the ordinance (i.e., exclude properties located within the boundaries of the Fort Russell Historic District), and return the substantially modified proposal to the Planning and Zoning Commission; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


5.         7:30 p.m. - Public Hearing on Adoption of the 2000 International Building and Related Codes in Place of the 1997 Uniform Building Code - Jim Johnson

State of Idaho House Bill 586 has mandated that cities and counties that currently enforce building codes, adopt the 2000 International Building Code, the 2000 International Residential Code, and the 2000 International Energy Conservation Code.  Other pertinent codes not being changed will be re-adopted.  Reviewed by Administrative and Public Works/Finance Committees November 18, 2002.


ACTION:  Approve proposed ordinance without amendment, under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings, that it be read by title only and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon; or consider the proposed ordinance with amendment on first reading; or reject proposed ordinance; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


6.         National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Phase II (PHASEII) Voluntary Program Proposal - Mark Cook

Pursuant to Council direction of November 18, 2002, staff will present additional information including  legal opinion, staff solicitation for assurances, and estimates of program costs during the first five, and subsequent five years of the proposed program.


ACTION:  Authorize the Mayor's signature on Voluntary Phase II documents and direct staff to submit documents to Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 for consideration; or take such other action deemed appropriate.







            Administrative Committee

            Public Works/Finance Committee

            Other Boards & Commissions


EXECUTIVE SESSION - Legal Issue - Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.



Chris Bainbridge

Moscow City Clerk



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