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Re: Fwd: re: Moscow in the National eye

Sean Michael wrote, "Apparently s/he wasn't too omniscient if this fairly 
popular ancillary use was not foreseen."
That is a great point, Sean.
Please remember, though, that the first religious idols discovered so far 
are replicas of the Mother Goddess.  You know, the topfree statues.  
Countless representations.
Who's to say what these apparent worshippers were making them for.  But it 
does seem obvious that they must have been important.
One theory is that the figurines represent the Mother Goddess, the Creator 
and provider of life and abundance.
Exposed breasts are prominent parts on these figurines, probably because 
even our ancient ancestors recognized the importance of breasts in 
nourishing life.
Perhaps breasts were also sexual to these people.  Maybe the figurines are 
primitive pornography.
In either case, female breasts were an issue way back when.  Funny how 
things don't seem to change.
We continue to make bare breasted figurines.  Lady Justice is a perfect 
example.  Unfortunately, Mr. Ashcroft has decided to waste tax dollars 
covering her up.
Makes me wonder if there were sensors when the original figurines were made 
as well.
Also, other countries and society's do not have our hangup regarding this 
issue.  So obviously it is not a necessary pre-requisite to force women to 
cover their breasts.  Sure, other society's are way more restrictive then 
ours, the Taliban as an extreme example.
The root is the same, though: Suppress the rights of women to prevent the 
"corruption" of men.
I believe this situation deserves to be discussed primarily because women 
desire to have this freedom that men enjoy.  That shouldn't be so 
controversial, but considering we have an exploitive and sexist society, 
it's no wonder people are reluctant to grant women this freedom.  This would 
be too empowering for women.
People don't willingly hand over freedom.  That is an understandable human 
desire people have had to fight for.
I say instead of fearing the public exposure of female breasts, we have a 
"Breast Awareness" where we publicly honor women for having breasts that 
nourish our society.
If we can acknowledge the importance of breasts and talk about breasts, we 
would reduce the stigma breasts now face.
It's no wonder breasts create such a fascination.  Afterall, the most 
important thing newborns do (hopefully) is suckle the breast.  This has to 
have a lasting impact, creating an unconscious desire to be a baby suckling 
again.  I believe that is why breasts are potentially sexual.  Sex and 
babies, passion and life.  It is a fundamental instinct for all creation.
That is Mother Goddess.
Peace from Garrett Clevenger

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