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RE: US Constitution and Mutating Ethics

You may wish to read James Q. Wilson's article for the Wall Street Journal's
Opinion Web Page:

The Reform Islam Needs
The West reconciled religion and freedom. Can Muslims do the same?


"...But many traditional Islamic scholars insist that only the sharia can
govern men, even though it is impossible to manage a modern economy and
sustain scientific development on the basis of principles set down in the
seventh century. Bernard Lewis tells the story of a Muslim, Mirza Abu Talib,
who traveled to England in the late 18th century. When he visited the House
of Commons, he was astonished to discover that it debated and promulgated
laws and set the penalties for criminals. He wrote back to his Muslim
brethren that the English, not having accepted the divine law, had to make
their own."

Ron Force
Moscow, Idaho USA

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