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RE: Moscow Civic Association


I ditto Doug Wilson's explanation of your missing the wonderful irony
here (Logical Positivism tends to have that affect on its adherents).
Progressives should be free to associate how they want, as should

It's an added irony, though, that they chose a supposedly inclusive
adjective -- Moscow -- for a club that consciously and understandably
wants to exclude other Muscovites.  

> I won't hold you responsible for
> all of the offenses of Christianity throughout history.  I will point
> the Truth of the history of your religion though.

Fine do the body count thing again. I'll take responsibility for the
Crusades and the Inquisition and ten other centuries when you own up to
your responsibility for Stalin, Hitler, Robespierre, Pol Pot, and Nixon.
I'll take ten centuries against just your twentieth century. You don't
want to go there.

Doug Jones 

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