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Moscow Civic Association

I didn't think my question was growing more intelligent. When I asked it
last time you responded with-

"The Moscow Civic Association has yet to fully take shape.  The Daily News
article was misleading in the sense that it implied the group was formed.
In fact, it is forming. A steering committee was selected from an initial
meeting which 33 people attended (about a month ago).  The steering
committee (9 people) have been
meeting to answer specific questions about the organization (will it be an
educational non-profit? who will be the spokespersons? what is the mission?)
based upon the input we all gave at the initial meeting. Public meetings are
planned for the future. I'm sure that your questions will be answered.
BL" (Oct 8)

There's a hint that more information would be coming (as your first email
didn't really answer the question) and I was curious if it had come already
and I had missed it. But this morning's response clears that up, public
meetings in Dec. for the progressives and you'd would rather not have people
who are not as progessed as you show up.

Ben Merkle

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