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approved proceedings for the week of May 7, 2001

Week of May 7, 2001

Commissioners Paul J. Kimmell, Loreca J. Stauber, and John A. (Jack) Nelson
met in regular session on Monday, May 7, 2001, and on Wednesday, May 9,
2001; the following actions were taken:

By Motion and Order opened as a Board of Equalization for one day only, May
7, 2001.

Approved, signed, and filed a letter of intent to provide the Latah Soil and
Water Conservation District, budget request funds in the amount of $12,000
for Fiscal Year 2002.

By Motion and Order, adjusted the tax amount owed by Mr. Ed Christensen on
Parcel Number RP01680000001AA from $6,201 for tax years 1996, 1997, 1998,
1999, and 2000 to $2,700.  The amount is contingent upon his agreement to
accept the Assessor’s valuation  for the year 2001 of the mobile home and
improvements, and to forego protests on personal property and mobile home
taxes for the year 2000.  Agreement is attached, and signed by the Chair, as
authorized by the Board.

By Motion and Order, sitting as a Board of Equalization, pursuant to Idaho
Code 63-602(c), approved the application for property tax exemption for tax
year 2001 on behalf of Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre, Inc.,

By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 2:21 P.M. on May 7,
2001, to discuss Records Exempt from Public Inspection; Personnel Matters,
Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(a)&(b).  Adjourned at 2:31 P.M.

Approved, signed and filed the Commissioners’ Proceedings for the week of
April 30, 2001.

By Motion and Order, approved the Chair’s signature on a Participating
Agreement between Latah County Noxious Weed Control, Idaho Department of
Lands, Potlatch Corporation, Clearwater Resource Conservation & Development
Council, University of Idaho Experimental Forest, and USDA, Forest Service
regarding weed treatment for Fiscal Year 2001.

Filed the resignation of Molly Ritter, Communications Specialist, Sheriff,
Department 04D, Line 03, effective May 5, 2001.

Filed the resignation of Natalie Beckwith, Part-time Irregular Tracker,
Youth Services/Block Grant, Department 08B, Line 02, effective May 3, 2001.

Approved, signed and filed a request to hire Neev Charan, Part-time
Irregular Tracker, Youth Services/Block Grant, Department 08B, Line 02,
Effective May 3, 2001.

Approved, signed and filed a Request for a Tax Cancellation in behalf of
Clearwater Economic Development Association, T1570012001A.  Correction made
to record.

Approved, signed and filed a Request for a Tax Cancellation in behalf of
Michael Mahaffy, RPM00250020050. Cancellation granted pursuant to Board of
Tax Appeals Case #00-A-2303.

Filed an Eligibility Determination Unemployment Insurance Claim, regarding
Mercedes I. Walser.

Filed the Public Defender Hours for the month of April, 2001 as submitted by
Gregory C. Dickison.

Approved, signed and filed a request for a permanent Solid Waste Exemption
in behalf of James Dill, MH23CT00029A.  Mobile home is permanently removed.

By Motion and Order, closed as a Board of Equalization.

Approved, signed and filed a Letter of Support to Idaho EMS Bureau, by
Potlatch Ambulance in the grant application for purchase of a new ambulance
and equipment.

By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 10:31 A.M. on May 9,
2001, to discuss Records Exempt from Public Inspection; Personnel Matters,
Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(a)&(b).  Adjourned at 10:47 A.M.

By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 11:01 A.M. on May 9,
2001, to discuss Records Exempt from Public Inspection; Indigent Matters,
Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(d).  Adjourned at 11:45 A.M.
Nine cases approved, five cased denied.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

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