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Recent Charter School Legislation & the sunset provision

Dear Visionaries,
	From Tom Tail on Gary Schroeder's Charter School amendment, with
Steve Cooke
----- Original Message -----
From:	"Steve Cooke" <>
To:	"Tom Trail" <>
Sent:	Monday, February 12, 2001 9:15 AM
Subject:	RE: FW: Recent Charter School Legislation

> Tom,
> Thanks for the info. Can I pass it on the V2020 list?
> Steve Cooke
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:	Tom Trail []
> Sent:	Saturday, February 10, 2001 3:39 PM
> To:	Steve Cooke
> Subject:	Re: FW: Recent Charter School Legislation
> >Tom,
> > Is this true?
> >Steve Cooke
> >Do you Gary's email address?
> >
> Steve-much adoo about nothing.   Yes, the Sunset Clause is being taken
> but the amendment
> requires (language shall used) that each charter school shall submit an
> annual report following
> Department of Education guidelines to the Department of Education.   So
> report will also
> be reviewed on an annual basis by the Legislature.
> More background-The Moscow Charter School has to vacate their building
> this summer.
> The Bank of Pullman will grant them a $500,000 loan to build a new school
> guaranteed by
> the USDA (another story); however, the Bank refuses to grant the loan
> the Sunset
> Clause is removed from the statute-let's stay a conservative attitude by
> bankers who interpret
> that the Legislature might not approve of charter schools after the sunset
> date.
> Of course, Charter schools will be around.  Both Gary and I are strong
> supporters from the
> standpoint that we have given Idahoans a choice.  Take away the charter
> schools and we face
> the possibility of having school vouchers jammed down our throats.  Enough
> said.  Hope
> this clarified the situation.
> Tom
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: []
> >Sent:	Saturday, February 10, 2001 7:30 AM
> >To:
> >Subject:	Recent Charter School Legislation
> >
> >Anyone who is following the Idaho Charter School movement may be
> >to know that Gary Schroeder has introduced legislation to eliminate the
> >statutory 5 year legislative review ("sunset clause") for charter
> >This clause provided for  legislative review and consideration of the
> >effectiveness of charter schools in the state of Idaho. Eliminating this
> >clause removes an important evaluative step for these new schools.  The
> move
> >to cut out this step comes mainly from schools which want to finance
> >buildings and other capital projects; lending institutions are reluctant
> >loan money without security that the schools will be in existence after
> five
> >years.
> >Our experience of charter schools here in Moscow suggests that more, not
> >less, supervision is needed to make them work.  Because most charter
> schools
> >are not founded or run by experienced professionals, they often struggle
> >first with legal  compliance and with establishing sound public and
> >policies.  Permitting them to incur large public debts within a few years
> of
> >their founding is potentially disastrous.
> >I would urge everyone with an interest in the development of strong,
> >well-administered, and safe public schools (of all types) to contact Sen.
> >Schroeder and urge him to reconsider this legislation, for the protection
> of
> >students and school districts which may be left holding the bag when
> schools
> >fail.
> >Melynda Huskey {posting from Rose Huskey's account)
> Dr. Tom Trail
> International Trails
> 1375 Mt. View Rd.
> Moscow, Id. 83843
> Tel:  (208) 882-6077
> Fax:  (208) 882-0896
> e mail

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