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Re: Telephone Overlays

On Mon, 29 Jan 2001 10:00:39 -0800, you wrote:

>All Idahoans must fight tooth and nail to prevent an area code "overlay"
>in the state.  The proposal before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission
>is to have area codes be assigned not geographically but by chance,
>depending on when one gets a new phone number.   (Idahonian, p. 3A,
>Jan.15, 2001)  This means that neighbors have completely different area
>codes from each other.  It means that every time you write down
>someone's phone number,  you are obliged to write down an area code
>along with the number.  It means that you must dial 1 plus an area code
>with every number you dial.  That's an extra four numbers every time you
>dial your neighbor, your child's school,  your grocer, your spouse at
>work.  Even when you dial your own home when you are out around the
>corner, you have to dial those extra four numbers, just as if you were
>dialing to Nome, Alaska or New York City.

*Groan* This is due to all those self-involved people with pagers and
cell phones and faxes and another cell phone to check their e-mail and
surf the web with, talking in the library to their girlfriend...

Why do the rest of us have to suffer because of these people? Can't we
just prescribe them Prozac and move on?


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