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Re: Election Recount

If it's true, it's a shame that W's camp didn't allow
the recount to go forward.  He could have legitimately
won the election instead of being appointed by the
supreme court.

And what a uniter it looks like W is going to be.
In his second full day on the job, he's already moved
to cut federal funding for international family
planning groups.


--- wrote:
> I've been told the previous attempt to send this
> story got lost in the 
> translation.  Let's try again.  Also have  been told
> NPR did carry it 
> although I still haven't heard anything on major
> networks.
> Walter Steed
> Dade ballot review finds gain of 6 votes for Bush
> George W. Bush would have gained six more votes if
> all the dimples and 
> hanging chads on 10,600 previously uncounted ballots
> in Miami-Dade County had 
> been included in the totals, according to a review
> by The Palm Beach Post.
> The Herald and its parent company, Knight Ridder,
> are conducting their own 
> ballot inspection in Miami-Dade as part of a
> comprehensive review in all 67 
> Florida counties. The Herald expects its review in
> Miami-Dade to be finished 
> by the end of this week.
> Before Vice President Al Gore conceded last month,
> his camp had expected to 
> pick up as many as 600 votes from a Miami-Dade
> recount. The Post review 
> showed 251 additional votes for Bush and 245 more
> for Gore.
> The review, concluded last week, also showed the
> vast majority of ballots 
> rejected as undervotes -- ballots where no vote for
> president was recorded 
> when counted by machine -- appeared, in fact, to
> cast no vote for president. 
> About 7,600 undervotes had no mark at all on the
> presidential column or, in 
> rare cases, included multiple votes. Most of the
> voters who did not indicate 
> a vote for president did punch choices in other
> races.
> But at least 2,257 voters apparently poked at their
> ballot cards without 
> properly inserting them in the machines.
> Of these miscast votes, 302 more would have gone for
> Gore than Bush, The Post 
> review found. Even if those votes had been cast
> correctly, however, it would 
> not have changed the outcome of a presidential
> election that turned on 537 
> votes for Bush in Florida.
> Two Post reporters, each paired with an elections
> staffer, reviewed ballots. 
> The Post's categories included clean votes; chads
> with three, two and one 
> corner detached; dimpled or pregnant chads through
> which light could be seen; 
> and dimples where no light could be seen.

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