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Chamber V. County Commissioner

Visionaries & Whiners

Once again the whining quotient on this list has exceeded palatable levels.
This whining of conflict of interest issues is bogus, bunk, and a complete
waste of bandwidth.  It sounds more like sour grapes to me.

As a Latah County resident, a number of years back, I assisted in
re-affirming that the position of Latah County Commissioner is a part-time
job.  We recalled one member and seriously derailed any future attempt to
pay for full-time commissioners.

More recently, I was part of the County Commissioners Task Force on County
Government, which proposed a new form of county government which would have
precluded many of the issues that have been brought up thus far in the
Commission V. Chamber debate. This change of county government was defeated.

A part-time commissioner is what the people of Latah county want.  Please
explain to me, how being a farmer, which is MUCH more than a full-time job,
has any less conflicts than an Executive Director of a  business

There also seems to be a large misconception that the Executive Director is
a City of Moscow employee.  This is not true.  The Moscow Chamber is NOT an
arm of the City.  It is a private organization, whose mission is to promote
business & economic prosperity in moscow, Latah County and the Inland NW
region.  It's membership is comprised of individuals and businesses who
desire to further this mission.

Those of you who have 'weighed' in on the issue, are adamant anti-business
and anti-growth people who don't even support the business community in
Moscow.  However, you are also the first people to line up with your hands
out asking for the business community to support your various charity
causes.  I seem to recall one of you even demanding a boycott of the Mall,
during the Christmas holiday.  How anti-business was that action?

Paul Kimmel will be an excellent Executive Director, and will continue to be
a fair, honest, accessible and open county commissioner.   Maybe instead of
criticizing every action by business and government you all should run for
office, so we can attack, scrutinize and defame your every action.

Again, I say “Get a Life”, you all have WAY too much time on your hands.

Jerry L. Schutz

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