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Re: School Vouchers (was: Re: Federal vs. State Law)

Actually, Scott, an interesting piece of polling data I saw after the first
voucher defeat in California indicated that many parents of private school
children didn't support the voucher initiative because they were paying big
bucks to keep their children from having to associate with the public school
population.  And yes, they were self-acknowledged Republicans.

----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Dredge <>
To: William K. Medlin <>; Young <>
Cc: Moscow <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: School Vouchers (was: Re: Federal vs. State Law)

> Apparently the school voucher issue isn't going
> to go away anytime soon even though it was soundly
> defeated on ballot measures in California and
> Michigan.  I'm not sure what the argument is in
> favor of school vouchers.  Once private schools
> put their grubby mitts into public coffers they
> open themselves up to a flurry lawsuits and
> ultimately will no longer be able to operate as
> private institutions.
> Further, the argument that parents who are sending
> their kids to private schools shouldn't be paying
> tax dollars for public schools doesn't hold water
> either.  What about non-parents, or anyone else for
> that matter, who doesn't have kids in public schools.
> Should their tax dollars be paying for public schools?
> I believe that everyone should be paying for public
> schools.  An educated populous is a good thing.
> The only decent argument in favor of school vouchers
> is too allow children of poor families to be able
> to attend a private school that they wouldn't be able
> to afford without the vouchers.  However, if that
> were the goal, it wouldn't be on the agenda of the
> Republicans.
> -SD
> --- "William K. Medlin" <> wrote:
> -- Snip --
> > While I am on that subject, I request that you take
> > a
> > negative stand with regard to any legislative
> > initiative that would
> > give my tax dollars to any voucher-based educational
> > enterprise.
> > During the recent campaign, you were reported as
> > taking different
> > stances on the issue, depending on whom you were
> > speaking to. If this
> > is not correct, kindly respond accordingly. I
> > support parents' rights
> > to educate children in private schools, but not
> > their right to use
> > public funds in doing so. I will be watching your
> > legislative actions
> > in the upcoming session. Very best wishes in that
> > "ordeal" and I hope
> > you have a productive first session in Boise!
> > Regards, W. Ken
> > Medlin (PS: Since we have never met personally, I
> > hesitate to address
> > you as "Gary", although you are well known by your
> > first name. Maybe
> > we ought to get together sometime. WKM)
> >
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