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Re: Federal vs. State Law

Title: Re: Federal vs. State Law
Ken, I take my rights and RESPONSIBILITIES very seriously.  To insinuate otherwise offends me greatly.
You see, about half of the citizenry sees the results about  180 degrees from where you appear to see them.  Who is right?

Dear Rep. Young: I value very much your opinion about my sharing with the community a USSC Justice's dissent on the Federal vs. State of Florida issue about state rights on citizens' voting laws and procedures. It reflects, one can assume, your view as to what is good and useful for any citizen to learn about this most vital issue in a democracy. I was not insinuating anything about what others need to think, only presenting my view, which appears biased to you. If you see a bias in the statement referring to the Justice's legal point that the State, and not the Federal Government, ought to decide how best to "cherish" the validity of every citizen's vote (viz., disenfranchisement through poor canvassing, counting, certifying and ultimately judicial review of same) -- then
that is unfortunate because it seems to reflect a prejudicial attitude toward sharp differences in our polity. If I missed your point, please correct me.I also take my citizen rights and responsibilities very seriously, believing that openness about them to all is essential to good citizenship and representation, In that latter spirit, since my post went out to all visionaries, I am sharing this with them again. Since you are elected to represent all the citizens, not just those who chose to vote for you, I am convinced that you will agree that such sharing of your viewpoint is consistent with the representation principle.
        While I am on that subject, I request that you take a negative stand with regard to any legislative initiative that would give my tax dollars to any voucher-based educational enterprise. During the recent campaign, you were reported as taking different stances on the issue, depending on whom you were speaking to. If this is not correct, kindly respond accordingly. I support parents' rights to educate children in private schools, but not their right to use public funds in doing so. I will be watching your legislative actions in the upcoming session. Very best wishes in that "ordeal" and I hope you have a productive first session in Boise!    Regards, W. Ken Medlin (PS: Since we have never met personally, I hesitate to address you as "Gary", although you are well known by your first name. Maybe we ought to get together sometime. WKM)

"For the Future"
Gary Young, Representative, District 5
1038 West C St
Moscow, ID 83843

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