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FW: This weekend at the Kenworthy

-----Original Message-----
From: Julie L.F. Ketchum []
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 10:06 AM

Subject: This weekend at the Kenworthy

You're in for a treat when the Kenworthy shows the restored version of TOUCH
OF EVIL this weekend.  The new version includes footage not included in the
original release of this 1958 film.

TOUCH OF EVIL is the smoky, sleezy, and powerful story of a narcotics
officer and his bride who fall under the spell of a corrupt and fascinating
sheriff in a seedy Mexican-American bordertown.  The conflicts of ethics and
morality between the narcotics officer and the sheriff set the stage for a
most perverse confrontation of good and evil, conscience and corruption: a
labyrinthian journey into a nether world where the law is the criminal.  The
genius of Orson Welles is immediately apparent in the film's opening
sequence, an uninterrupted, three-minute-tracking shot that establishes the
relationships of major characters, the perilous nature of the environment
and the incindent that is the catalyst of the narrative.  TOUCH OF EVIL is
considered by many film historians to be the end piece of the Film Noir

" . . . a masterpiece."  --Andy Seiler, USA Today.

TOUCH OF EVIL shows on Friday, June 23 at 8PM and Saturday, June 24 at 5 and
8PM.  Tickets are two for $5 at 5PM or $3 each, and two for $8 at 8PM, or $5

This film is not rated.  Running time is 108 minutes.

Julie L.F. Ketchum
Executive Director
Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre
508 S. Main St.  (theater)
411 S. Main St.  (office)
P.O. Box 8126  (mail)
Moscow, ID 83843

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