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Re: Shattered morning

Dear John;

I wish you luck in making any changes to any ordinance
in Moscow.

I do wonder why you think that Saturday morning is
different than any other day of the week?  Many people
who work on the weekends think that 7 a.m. is to early
for construction to start on a Monday morning.

Not everyone is fortunate enough to work 9-5 Monday
thru Friday.  Some of those people are up late as a
result of meeting our entertainment needs.

I do however agree that 7 a.m. is too early.  Too
early for everyday of the week.  There are but a few
career choices that require work starting at that
early hour of the morning.  Such as the garbage
people, 24 marts/restaraunts, and the MPD shift

It would be nice if more consideration was taken for
those who are trying to sleep.  But it just isn't
possible to please all of the people all of the time. 
And I am sure that when your home was being built the
people in the houses around the hood probably felt as
you do.  Unless of course your home was built in the
early 1900's in which case there weren't many

Besides, 7 a.m. on a Saturday Spring morning is a
perfect time to get up and get the day started.

So it looks like it is either ear plugs or get up and
start your beautiful day.

There is never enough time in the day and perhaps this
is a good opportunity for you to have those couple of
hours that you run short by the end of the day.


Today is just another page in a chapter of the "Book of my life"   --Henson

Kay Henson

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