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re: Gun Legislation

> At 08:22 PM 4/29/99 EDT, E. O'Daniel wrote:
> >That said, "gun control" is a phrase with tremendous emotional
> implications.  
> >(Just like "assault rifle.")  The pro-gun side sees it as "gun
> prohibition."  
> >The anti-gun side asserts that it means only reasonable restrictions - 
> >denying that elimination of guns is an ultimate goal (and for many - most? - 
> >elimination IS the goal).

It is this level of paranoia that seems to characterize much of what
passes for political discourse in this country.  Any limitation on or
regulation of guns, property, etc. is treated as an invasion of personal,
constitutional rights.  The view seeming to be that any limition is an
infringement of findamental things.  Staking out such a black-and-white
position makes adjustment of competing interests impossible.

More fundamentally, such rhetorical positions foster violence.  The
rhetoric makes it likely that there will be cold dead fingers.

Imposing restrictions on the purchase of rapdily firing weapons is
different than prohibiting ownership of hunting rifles.  Restricting the
sale of cheap hand guns differs from prohibiting the sale of target
pistols.  The refusal to acknowledge such differences is nonsensical.

Dale Goble

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