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Re: Moscow suicide

I agree with Julia's comments.  I also work but my son spoke with me
soon after finding out about the tragic loss of a respected fellow

The school district did a wonderful job of dealing with the situation by
meeting the needs of the students and friends of this young man, first.

Who would be the one to write and release the information to the press? 
Do you call the family?  Is it the place for schools to give out
information?  Should the police have held a press conference?

Yes rumors can and will circulate but trying to meet press deadlines
within 12 hours of such an event seems a little tasteless.  Let the
family and friends come to grips with the tragedy first.  If you have a
need for the facts, a little time won't hurt nearly as much as the hurt
the family and friends are dealing with today.

Lately the press seems concerned with printing columns and stories
without the facts.  I find it rather refreshing that this was not in
bold type on the front page of a newspaper when those closest to the
young man had may not have been notified and comforted.

Judi Thompson

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