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RE: Gun legislation

Dear Betsy and Visionaries,
 Thank you for your response. I agree w/ your friends who say your are 
being courageous. Your efforts remind me of the Christopher Brothers' quote 
"It is better to light a single candle then to curse the darkness."

I would like to light yet another candle. I would like enlightened 
legislation in Idaho that would place a protective shield between minors 
and hand guns, assault weapons and explosives. I accept your challenge. I 
will begin by asking members of the Visions 2020 list if they are 
interested in beginning a grassroots effort that will result in Idaho 
legislation to keep hand gun, assault weapon and explosives away from 

I would prefer to decrease their availability to majors as well. I am not 
familiar w/ the current laws on gun ownership in Idaho.

What do you think, visionaries? Is it completely crazy to push for gun 
control in Idaho? Is it incompletely crazy?

Steve Cooke

-----Original Message-----
From:	Betsy Dunklin []
Sent:	Wednesday, April 28, 1999 1:41 PM
Subject:	Re: Gun legislation

 << File: vcard.vcf >> Steve,
Thanks for writing.  I take a little issue with being thought of as faint
hearted.  Even my liberal friends think I'm nuts to pursue this issue in 
modest way I am.  In fact, most of my e-mail responses have been to tell me 
is too extreme.

I tell you what: You organize a Boise or Idaho Gun Control group that is
willing to speak out and back such issues and that has enough membership to
make a difference and I will seriously consider sponsoring stronger
legislation.  Until then, it is pointless.  such a bill would not even get
printed, much less get a hearing, so it would not achieve the goal you have 
mind -- of beginning the discussion.  The discussion must begin on a 
level and in a much, much more organized fashion that it is currently in 


Steve Cooke wrote:

> Betsy,
>  I understand that there will be resentment. However, a faint heart never
> won a fair maid. I think hand gun and assault weapon ban is the right 
> at the right time. It is important to show the responsibility that 
> has in tolerating violence. This is a v. long struggle against the gun
> lobby and Idaho citizens thinking on hand guns and assault weapons. The
> conversation needs to start somewhere. I say let the games begin.
> Steve Cooke
>  << File: vcard.vcf >> Steve,  I would like to do that as well but such a
> bill would not even get a hearing in the Idaho legislature and would 
> real resentment from even my Democratic colleagues against me.  The ID 
> is the same group that this session turned an innocent bill to prevent
> school visitors from carrying weapons onto the grounds into a bill that
> allowed concealed weapons, weapons in vehicles, and so many other
> exceptions that it was perceived as a "pro-guns in schools bill" and had 
> be vetoed by the Governor.  I'm pragmatic and want to win something. 
> my modest approach is a long shot but I bet would get a hearing.
> Thanks for writing!
> Betsy
> Steve Cooke wrote:
> > hi Betsy
> >  I  would like to see a bill that would ban the sale of hand guns and
> > assault weapons in Idaho. I think it is time to ask society as a whole 
> > be as responsible as we are asking individual citizens to be. I would
> > include this ban on hand guns and assault weapons in the same bill with
> > your parental responsibility proposal. If you do, then I am willing to
> help
> > you lobby for this proposal.
> > Steve Cooke
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Betsy Dunklin []
> > Sent: Monday, April 26, 1999 10:42 AM
> > To:   Smartgrowth
> > Subject:      Gun legislation
> >
> >  << File: vcard.vcf >> I have been researching for about a year a bill 
> > would like to
> > introduce this next legislative session that would hold adults
> > responsible for misuse of firearms by juveniles.  The Columbine High
> > tragedy, of course, makes the issue more timely.  I don't present this
> > as an answer to troubled youths, but it may prevent such juveniles from
> > easy access to firearms.   Although the various incidents of kids
> > bringing guns to schools focuses our attention, the fact is that one of
> > the major causes of death of juveniles is suicide or accidental death 
> > firearms.
> >
> > Such a bill, if promoted correctly, would not be an instant loser in 
> > NRA-minded Idaho legislature because it is NOT gun control; it is
> > holding adults responsible for their actions, something the leg often
> > states as an important value.  In addition, a number of states,
> > including Texas and Florida, have passed such legislation.
> >
> > Many questions need to be answered:  Should there be civil or criminal
> > penalties?  If criminal, how severe-misdemeanor or felony or a scale
> > depending on number of convictions?  If criminal, would a prosecutor 
> > it, in the case of that poor grandfather in Notus, for example?  What
> > age qualifies you as a juvenile?  How do you draft it so as not to
> > impact the responsible use of firearms by juveniles for hunting, etc.,
> > which is an important part of life for many in this state.
> >
> > I am interested in people's thoughts on this issue and particularly in
> > anyone that would like to help me develop and lobby for passage of such
> > a bill.
> >
> > Betsy Dunklin
> > Senator, District 19, Boise

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