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Re: who is responsible?

perhaps guns did not make those kids kill kids, but, to slightly change your phrase, they made it simple.  i attended a big city school where gangs were at war with each other, and there were plenty of weapons -- but the weapons of choice (or availability) were knives, chains, brass knuckles, clubs, and other interesting goodies.  trust me, i know from experience, they are easier to avoid than a flying bullet.  a couple of kids (or more) running around with knives makes your day unpleasant, to say the least, but it doesn't so quickly lead to a blood bath.  guns for target practice, or even regulated hunting, can be defended, even if not appreciated.  otherwise, they have very little purpose of any real merit.

connie owens

Steve Cooke wrote:

Dear E.
 I see your points. I just don't buy them.
Steve Cooke

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent:   Thursday, April 22, 1999 4:51 PM
Subject:        Re: who is responsible?

>For my part, I am speaking out against the
>availability of hand guns and assault weapons.
>. . .
>  I am against hand guns and assault weapons because of the
>murders and mayhem committed with them that would be
>more difficult in their absence.

So you're FOR the complete banning of firearms of all kinds.  Can't say that
I agree with that.  But it's a position nevertheless...

I would only add that nothing stops a determined criminal from obtaining
firearms from illegal sources.  These kids might very well have been able to
obtain firearms even without the widespread legal availability of firearms.
Drugs are illegal and they're all over the place.

I would also add that walking around promoting a gun-free society does
nothing to help troubled kids.  It's more like eliminating a factor, but not
attacking the problem.  "Guns" didn't make these kids decide to kill all
those kids.  That's way too simple.

One of the many things that struck me during last evening's coverage was some
video of a bunch of kids running from the school.  In the ragged line of
kids, one stumbles and falls, tries to get up, slips, and tries to get up
again.  Of the several students who were near and behind her - NONE tried to
help her.  I thought that was very interesting and sad.  (But there are other
stories of kids helping others during this tragedy.)

By the way, did you know "mayhem" is also a particular crime which has
nothing to do with guns directly, but which could be committed with a
firearm.  Idaho Code ? 18-5001.

E. O'Daniel

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