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(Fwd) Proposed Sign Ordinance

Thank you, Teresa--and Dale Pernula--for providing the proposed 
ordinance. For those of you who do have a reply, please send a copy 
directly to the subcommittee either through Vision2020 if it is of 
general interest, or to  It will then be 
immediately available for the next subcommittee meeting for 

If you have questions, please send them simultaneously to Teresa Uhle 
( and the subcommittee (address above).

 If you would like to participate in a discussion about the proposed 
ordinance or hear and offer suggested amendments, please advise me 
directly and I will see that you are notified of the time and place 
of the discussion--which will occur BEFORE the ordinance is forwarded 
back to the full Commission for consideration (and an additional 
public hearing).

Mike Curley
for the Sign Ordinance Subcommittee
Moscow P & Z Commission

> Date:          Thu, 08 Apr 1999 09:54:48 -0700
> From:          Teresa Uhle <>
> Reply-to:
> To:            Vision 2020 <>
> Subject:       Proposed Sign Ordinance
>                boundary="------------82DB90F9881222475AFB9645"

> Vision 2020:
> In response to Mike Curley's and others' requests for the text of the
> proposed sign ordinance, I have attached it in both a Word 97 format
> (proposed sign ord9-9-98.doc) and in a text format (pro-sign.txt).
> It will also be posted on the City's web page in the near future at
> <>
> Please feel free to e-mail me directly any input regarding this proposed
> ordinance, and I will forward it to the P & Z Commission's Sign
> Subcommittee and Dale Pernula, Community Development Director.
> Teresa Uhle, Permits Technician
> City of Moscow
> PO Box 9203
> Moscow, ID  83843
> (208)883-7022

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