Re: Civil Rights Violations in Moscow

Re: Civil Rights Violations in Moscow

Briana LeClaire (
Tue, 26 May 1998 14:17:08 -0700 (PDT)

My answer to your question is: go back and re-read Jack Porter's
original posting.


Briana LeClaire

---Joan Berney wrote:
> Bill,
> I had already planned on attending.....not that I'm sure many
> would prefer I stayed away. My question to Briane's objection
> is why is this community so afraid to find out if these are true
> facts?
> Hiding from the facts will not make the changes necessary to
> correct the problems in the community. You must face the facts,
> act upon them and then make your decisions about where to go
> from there.
> I would also like to bring up the suggestion of not a community
> police review.......but, out of respect for the very hard work
> Dan Weaver has done, having a community/police action committee.
> This committee would consist of both police representatives and
> community representatives to look at issues as they come forth
> and work together to deal with them appropriately. I think
> Chief Dan Weaver has done a marvelous job in making our police
> department more kids and community oriented and feel that the
> police/community action committee puts a more positive face on
> what we want to accomplishe then does having the community
> review what the police have already done.
> I think our police officers are some of the finest in the
> nation. You will always find one or two klinkers in the group.
> But, I feel Chief Weaver has been working very hard to change
> the old image of MPD and has been successful in many ways.
> Especially that of how MPD officers deal with the public.
> So instead of review let's think about action (together).
> thanks,
> Joan Berney
> Date:
> Mon, 25 May 1998 14:48:56 -0700 To:,
>, From: Bill London
> <> Subject: Re: Civil Rights Violations in Moscow
> Perhaps those concerned about police activities and/or community
> or community review of police should consider coming to Moscow's
> Retreat on June 13. One of the afternoon small group discussion
> will focus on community safety. That might be a good place to raise
> concerns in a public forum.
> For more information about registration (it's all free), email
> <> or call 882-5023 or fill out the registration form
> (available in the 5/23 Daily News insert or at the Farmers Market on
> BL
=== message truncated ===
:-) Briana

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