Re: Civil Rights Violations in Moscow

Re: Civil Rights Violations in Moscow

Joan Berney (
Tue, 26 May 1998 11:39:42 PST


I had already planned on attending.....not that I'm sure many
would prefer I stayed away. My question to Briane's objection
is why is this community so afraid to find out if these are true

Hiding from the facts will not make the changes necessary to
correct the problems in the community. You must face the facts,
act upon them and then make your decisions about where to go
from there.

I would also like to bring up the suggestion of not a community
police review.......but, out of respect for the very hard work
Dan Weaver has done, having a community/police action committee.
This committee would consist of both police representatives and
community representatives to look at issues as they come forth
and work together to deal with them appropriately. I think
Chief Dan Weaver has done a marvelous job in making our police
department more kids and community oriented and feel that the
police/community action committee puts a more positive face on
what we want to accomplishe then does having the community
review what the police have already done.

I think our police officers are some of the finest in the
nation. You will always find one or two klinkers in the group.
But, I feel Chief Weaver has been working very hard to change
the old image of MPD and has been successful in many ways.
Especially that of how MPD officers deal with the public.

So instead of review let's think about action (together).


Joan Berney

Mon, 25 May 1998 14:48:56 -0700 To:,, From: Bill London
<> Subject: Re: Civil Rights Violations in Moscow

Perhaps those concerned about police activities and/or community standards
or community review of police should consider coming to Moscow's Community
Retreat on June 13. One of the afternoon small group discussion groups
will focus on community safety. That might be a good place to raise these
concerns in a public forum.
For more information about registration (it's all free), email
<> or call 882-5023 or fill out the registration form
(available in the 5/23 Daily News insert or at the Farmers Market on 5/30)=

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