Re: moderation or not?

Lou Sternberg (
Thu, 30 Apr 1998 00:50:43 -0600


I am very sympathetic to the position in which you, Susan Palmer, and
Priscilla Salant have been placed -- as the Vision 2020 Steering Committee,
you are perceived to be responsible and yet have no control over the content
of the Vision 2020 listserve group. And I definitely understand the
concerns of those people who are concerned about the content of recent
postings. After all, many Vision 2020 participants want it to be a
responsible and credible force for input into the future of Latah County.

Posts by people such as Kenton Bird remind us that the few do not speak for
all -- a message that I hope is understood especially by those who monitor,
but do not actively participate in Vision 2020. And yet we still feel a
little uncomfortable even being part of a discussion group that occasionally
has content that embarrasses us. Perhaps we worry the the "powers that be"
will not take the group seriously.

[note: I do not mean to deride those who "monitor, but do not participate"
in Vision 2020. I am an active non-participant monitor in a number of
discussion groups -- to my education and advantage.]

Let me remind you, however, that the Vision 2020 discussion group, though
modern with respect to technology, is not alone in range and quality of
discussion. I have been to numerous "respectable" funtions of Chambers of
Commerce, Rotarians, civic leaders, official local and state governmental
functions, etc. where an equally varied range and (sometimes embarrassing
low) quality of discussion sometimes occurs. (Watch C-Span on cable for
confirmation of my thesis).

We are not alone in facing this dilemma. And yet, I see the Chambers and
other civic groups as perservering.


Lou S.

p.s. Bill -- if you do decide to have a listserve monitor, please, please,
oh PLEASE let it be me. I'm impartial. Honest. I'll only delete the
inappropriate. The controversial, the cutting edge, the foreign, the
alternative, the contrary, the political, the fantastic -- never. Jonathon
Swift would have given me his seal of approval.

At 09:30 AM 4/29/98 -0700, you wrote:
>> After several recent postings involving attacks on unnamed
>>political/judicial figures printed on this list, we (the 2020 steering
>>committee--Susan Palmer, Priscilla Salant, Bill London) received a request
>>to moderate this list.

Lou Sternberg, Ph.D. (208)343-0555
5017 Bel Air
Boise ID 83705-2777