moderation or not?

Bill London (
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 09:30:18 -0700

> After several recent postings involving attacks on unnamed
>political/judicial figures printed on this list, we (the 2020 steering
>committee--Susan Palmer, Priscilla Salant, Bill London) received a request
>to moderate this list.
> To moderate this list would require someone (s) to receive all the
>postings first, then screen or filter them to send on to the list only
>those that meet some unspecified criteria of wholesomeness.
> After meeting and discussing that request (among other topics), the
>steering committee is rejecting the suggestion of a moderated list. For
>the time being, the list will be unmoderated, meaning that anyone can send
>a posting directly to the list, and it will be received by all list
> We don't own this list or this discussion. We want a free and open
>sharing of ideas. While we might prefer the postings refrain from that
>kind of finger-pointing, we think the list has been very good about
>policing itself. Unfounded borderline-slanderous comments have resulted
>in critical follow-up postings or calming/caring postings directed at the
>original writer.
> This steering committee wants only to give shape to Vision 2020 in a
>minimal way. We took responsibility to move the list from the University
>of Idaho to First Step. We involved the organization in various activities
>(from the upcoming Community Retreat to joining the statewide SmartGrowth
>organization). But we don't want to control the open passage of ideas on
>this list.
> This list is a new medium of communication. Its reach and meaning are
>still unclear. We are all learning. But what seemed obvious to us was
>that no member of the steering committee had the time or interest in
>serving as moderator.
> We invite your public comments, posted to the list, on this topic. Should
>the list be moderated, by whom, under what criteria? Please let us all
>know what you think.,
> BL