SBI Program

John B Crout (
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 04:19:47 -0800

RE: Student Business Incubator (SBI)

There is a strong desire to bring a Student Business Incubator
(SBI) to the Palouse. The SBI is a consolidated support effort training
facility run by private industry, geared towards youth 14-21 years of age.
The areas of emphasis the SBI project will focused on are youth personal
and business development, safety, educational justification, proper
recreational defusing, and cohesive community enhancement and involvement.
Web sites, brochures, booklets, and personal presentations are available as
resources for the public to stay informed as to the forward movement of the
SBI project.
The public can play an instrumental role in the advancement of
this project with supportive criticism, financial support, and active
participation. Please feel free to voice your opinions positively or
negatively in the conceptual extent of this complete youth enhancement
project. Every comment weights into the thought processes of providing a
program that meets the youth needs in communities. The only way we could
truly assist our youth expeditiously with a complete plan, is for us a
community to stop standing on our laurels and think of our youth first.
The SBI project is a plan that this community can rally behind and reap the
benefits of its success.
Please write to and see the web sites at: SBI, 1420 S. Blaine Dept.
104, Moscow Id. 83843

web site: //