Re: Swimming Pool Committee

Re: Swimming Pool Committee

K. Grinde (
Wed, 25 Mar 1998 17:14:54 +0000

I am so surprised at some of the responses regarding the pool.

When Greg Meyer mentions working on this another year I wonder what he
thinks will be accomplished. It is important for him to realize that
the committee has already considered the options and spent a lot of time
working through the issues. It isn't like they all agreed on what should
be built in the beginning, but they spent so much time collecting and
reviewing data that their decision should not be considered somthing
that was arrived at lightly. I am afraid that another year's effort
would yield the same results. And the kids of Moscow would be without a
pool for another summer -- bummer for them.

I know several of the people on the committee and I know that they were
all committed to find the best answer for the problem. I also know they
worked very hard to do so and didn't take this resposibility lightly. I
can't understand why people are so quick to doubt their findings just
because they (the findings) don't match their own wishes. As an avid
lap swimmer,the findings don't match my wishes to a 'T', but I find them
very acceptable and am very willing to support the project.

I really encourage everyone to take a step back and review your feelings
about this issue. Ask long and hard why you feel the way you do about
the findings and see if you can't move closer to acceptance and, even
more important, support.

Kate Grinde

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