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Re: Unalienable rights

While yielding more expert knowledge of the constitution to Mr. Wilson, as 
my mind was probably on more important matters such as baseball instead of 
paying enough attention in class, I would point out that the current 
disturbing trends in abrogating constitutional rights and personal freedoms 
are being conducted under the direction of Attorney General and 
fundamentalist Christian John Ashcroft.  The construction of a "shadow" 
court system under which terrorist suspects may be held without benefit of 
constitutional rights, and without the knowledge of the public, is the work 
of a conservative administration, and under the same Attorney General who 
felt it necessary to spend $10,000 on a curtain to cover the bare breast of 
Lady Justice, so as not to offend the sensibilities or inflame the passions 
of the citizenry.  And she wasn't even washing cars.  Without assigning 
blame for how we've this constitutional crossroads, I believe left, right, 
and middle have cause for concern.                                           
                   Carl Westberg Jr.

>From: Douglas <>
>Subject: Unalienable rights
>Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 09:41:44 -0800

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