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RE: Unalienable Rights...

Folks, isn't it about balance? Certainly Mr. Kaag and Mr. Hansen are
correct in their assertion that the military has long ensured that we
Americans enjoy the freedoms and privileges of a free society. Ms.
Huskey is equally correct that our ability to dissent has also
contributed to these same freedoms and privileges.
    The military does the work of the US Government, run by the
Politicians who are elected by the People. The People exert their
influence at the polls and through dissent. The Politicicans assess the
level of dissent and decide whether Government policies need revision.
It is a painfully slow process but I do believe it works.
    I am proud of my son who has chosen the military as a career and
proud of my daughter who works for the state department, both who serve
this country on the front lines. I am also proud of my "almost 70" year
old mother who is marching in peace marches on a weekly basis because
she opposes an invasion of Iraq. I appreciate my privilege to
participate in a discussion, such as this, knowing I won't have some
thugs breaking down my door and dragging me away  for what I have
written. I thank the military and the dissenters for that privilege.
Best Regards,
John Nagy


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