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RE: New kid in town

I have my doubts. Neither side talks straight, I doubt their shooting would
be any better.

Cliff Todd

-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Westberg []
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: New kid in town

I'm afraid I see only one way to settle this great "What is tolerance and
who is more tolerant than who" debate.  After the holidays, I suggest an
old-fashioned shootout on Main Street.  The liberal, progressive gang, of
which I'll be a part, will line up (naturally) on the left end of the
street, and the religious conservative group (the Wilson gang?) of course
sets up on the right end.  We can converge on Third and Main and commence
firing.  Or, if we can trust one another enough, we can line up back to
back, count off ten paces, turn and shoot.  Maybe we can sell tickets with
the money going to various liberal and conservative charities.  I really
don't want to have to do this, primarily because I look ridiculous in a
cowboy hat and chaps.  And, I really have had no experience handling a
six-shooter, and I don't have a holster.  And who would get to wear the
white hats? On second thought, maybe there's a better way....

                                               Carl Westberg Jr.

>From: Douglas <>
>Subject: New kid in town
>Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2002 09:05:35 -0800

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