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Re: New kid in town

Cheers, Mr. Westberg.  I couldn't have said it any better.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

> What exactly is your point, Doug?  Your marvelously tolerant ilk loves to 
> denigrate and excoriate those who do not hold to your peculiar worldview.  
> Yet you accuse others of intolerance and somehow attempt to project 
> yourselves as paragons of tolerance.  Webster's Third New International 
> Dictionary: Tolerance: "a permissive or liberal (Oh no, the L word, hide the 
> women and children!) attitude toward beliefs or practices differing from or 
> conflicting with one's own: sympathy or indulgence for diversity in thought 
> or conduct.." Nope, it doesn't say anything about seeking you out and buying 
> you a beer.  When was the last time you bought Bill London (for example) a 
> beer, Doug?  I don't wish to hang with you, you don't wish to hang with me, 
> but we can tolerate one another, right?  Right?                              
>                                   Carl Westberg Jr.
> >From: Douglas <>
> >To:
> >Subject: New kid in town
> >Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 09:41:29 -0800
> >
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