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RE: there's a new kid in town

I quoted Joan Opyr as my hero of honesty; there was no need for me to quote dishonestly. Her latest note reveals exactly the same point: “I not only support diversity, I promote it and celebrate it. . . . There are limits, however, to my tolerance.” Bravo for Joan again. She remains in the world of honest worldviews.


Progressivism is usually so sentimental and hypocritical in its façade of absolute tolerance. My point still stands. Joan is more honest than the MCA web page. Their mission statement makes all sorts of blanket statements about generic inclusivity and diversity, but we all know they don’t really believe those blanket statements. Like Joan, they think some views and people are evil and dangerous.


Notice how weird actual honesty would sound in their mission statement: “The mission of the MCA is to protect and enhance inclusive values and cultural diversity, all while recognizing limits to our love and tolerance of other views, especially nonegalitarian views like those of traditional, historic, creedal Christianity which we see as undermining a healthy community. We plan to use political coercion to impose our principles against such dangers.”


That would give them an oxymoronic inclusive exclusivity. Why pretend they aren’t exclusivists? They should just say they’re progressives and want to defend progressive values, and those values are at odds with plenty of folks in the community. It’s so odd for principled folks to claim blanket diversity and yet backhandedly reject it. Why not just be honest? Such candor might be the first in the nation for progressives.


Doug Jones









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